Monday, August 10, 2009

Attention Queensland Teachers: Why Would You?

The advertisement for the 'Courier-Mail's' "Media and You" kit for school teachers:
"Use Media and You in the classroom to foster media literacy in your classroom. Help your students learn to access analyse, evaluate and create all types of media."

In January this year, the ABC reported what Rupert Murdoch said at the World Economic Forum in Davos:

"Mr Murdoch told the forum that 35 to 40 per cent of children in the United States do not finish school.

The News Corporation chairman said that meant they were being committed to a life in the underclasses and or the criminal classes.

Speaking at a session titled 'Advice to the US President on Competitiveness', Mr Murdoch blamed the teachers' union in America, which he said was very rich and the number one donor to the Democratic party.

He told the audience of international business leaders and politicians that it would take courage and strength for President Barack Obama to fight them."
The News Ltd. press is hopelessly ideologically opposed to the teaching profession.

Murdoch hates you! Why would you pay him for this rubbish? Is it really good practice to tell your students that Murdoch's rags have anything useful to say about 'the media'?

By all means, use the News Ltd 'press' as an example of how journalism is used in the service of warmongering, climate change denial, corporate wrongdoing and the role of propaganda in cultural manipulation, but never accept their view on 'media studies'. They are dangerous to our democracy.

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