Friday, June 5, 2009

Grassroots astroturf greenwash? You decide.

Greenfest is being held in the Brisbane Botanic Gardens this weekend.

A quick look at the program reveals Graham Readfearn from the 'Courier-Mail' is speaking at two sessions about blogging:
Courier-Mail's environment blogger Graham Readfearn sorts the green from the green-wash and the eco from the no-go.

Readfearn writes across all sections of the Courier Mail newspaper, most often the daily CM2 section, and online

At Greenfest, Readfern will conduct "So you think you can Blog" on Friday, 5th June, 8pm and Sunday 7th June 10am at Converga Green Economy Hub.

If you care about the environment, and freedom of expression, you should boycott these events.

If you can't help yourself, and feel you must attend, please ask him this question:

"What on earth did Rupert Murdoch mean when, in the Boyer Lecture, he talked about News Ltd.'s "Eye Degree", (or maybe it was "I Degree")?"

Another question might be, "Why is the blogsphere wetting its pants over 'The Punch?"

We don't remember News Ltd. promoting any independent websites or blogs.

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